In the previous article of this blog I talked about the 35 tricks to appear first in Google in 2015 . There I explained how to be positioning on Google's 1st Page.

Today I will focus on which links Google Penalize us....

What links get Google penalty and which are not?

But hey !, before starting methods to "get links", a previous warnings not to "get penalties" instead of links. WARNING:
  • Receiving many links at once may cause rises in Google and then be penalized because Google identifies it as unnatural and penalized. It is important to go slowly and be consistent.
  • Before it worked very well receiving many links with the same anchor text (anchor text). The famous Google bombing explained here three years ago . Now no longer works, from the Google Penguin update. It is importantly a proper distribution of link texts, as explained in paragraphs 23 and 24 of this article .
  • Not interested links on websites with many outbound links, because the authority of the page linking is distributed equally in all and each one comes to him very little authority. The ideal is to have links to sites with fewer than 10 external links. In addition, Google may be detected as the link farms and penalize them.
  • Not interested in links with robots.txt blocked pages with noindex, nofollow meta robots, because Google has not.
  • Penalize the links on pages with spam, porn or content penalized by Google. It also links to web sites that link to spam. This is one reason why it is bad buy links: you can put in the penalized or punished with links pages. And with that you buy your own penalty.
  • Google previously only been looking at the text (anchor text) link, now it is also set in the context of that link, in the title of the article where the link is and the nobre of the website where the link is. It is important that the website where the link is to have a similar theme to our own, or at least, the news has a title related to our website.
  • No matter the number of links received. What counts is the quality of links received. A single quality link is worth a 5,000 links on pages with little authority.
  • Before working well links in the footer (footer) or in the sidebars of blogs (blogroll) and web pages (sidebar), but today do not help, but harm. It is better to receive only one or two links from each domain. The links in the footer generate hundreds of links (one from each of the inner pages of a website) and all with the same anchor text. This can be fixed by putting a code in the footer or the sidebar, so that the links are displayed only on the cover of the web, which is the page with more authority and not on the internal pages.
  • More help positioning the links in the news, in the footer or sidebars.
  • Google identifies as "unnatural" and therefore punishable, received all links are dofollow and nofollow none, so some must be nofollow (here it is explained) .
  • Google rules on links received change frequently. Google has an average of 500 changes algorithm each year, equivalent to a change in the Google algorithm every 17 hours. So it is advisable to leave SEO to professionals, who are always abreast of the changes in Google. What today helps to be the No. 1, within two weeks in Google you can penalize you. 
How to measure the quality of a link?
Before you could look at the Google Page Rank to see the authority of the page where the link was, now is not, and does not publish because Google updates page rank pages, but it still counts Google and updates internally.

There are several alternatives to Page Rank. The best think are the Moz Rank (MR), Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA).
  • MozRank: the famous Google PageRank. It goes from 0-10 with logarithmic scale. As Google updates it every few months or every year, MOZ updates it every few days. It depends solely on the number of links received and the PageRank of the pages from which you are bound.
  • Page Authority: a value from 0 to 100 on a logarithmic scale indicating the probability that a given page to be up on Google. It depends on many factors. They are adding new factors to predict this value with increasing accuracy positioning a website in Google.
  • Domain Authority: a value from 0 to 100 on a logarithmic scale indicating the probability that a particular domain to be up on Google. It is like the previous one, but this shows the strength of the entire domain, not just a particular page of that domain.
Each page within your site has a different authority different Google Page Rank or 
Page Authority of Moz. Moz Pa frequently updated, Google Page Rank as well. Although Google has stopped publishing updates while it is a factor used to determine the authority of each page within a website.
Pages with more authority go higher in Google.

To measure the PA, MR DA and your website can settle the MozBar in Chrome (it's the one I use) or Seo Toolbar in Firefox.
PA less than 10 is bad enough. 10 to 20 can not consider a quality link. From 20 you can start to serve. A PA from 30 okay. It is no suspense, as if it were a 3 out of 10 on a test. And from 40 it is very good.

The authority is earned incoming links. And the authority is transmitted with outbound links (with links without the nofollow tag ).

The authority is divided equally among all the links. If a page is an authority of 10 and has 5 external links, each link transmit an authority 2 to the target page.
Therefore interest links from authority pages with few outbound links.

How to get quality links to be first on Google?

We know how to measure the authority of links received, and also what links penalized in Google and what auydan. Now let's get into flour explaining how to get links:

1. Achieving equal links to your competition (recommended): you see a website that is above you in Google and want to have their own links to match or beat it. How to do it? Examine the web with Ahrefs , Openlinkprofiler and .  

So you uncover the links you get and you get some equal, to enhance the authority of your website. You can not replicate all their links, but some. Then just get links where your competition can not, in order to beat them.

2. Generate good content and you will link voluntarily and natural, because content is king (highly recommended): this is typical of what is always repeated. And maybe it's true. The downside is that it is a slow method to get links. You link, but after months or years. If you're impatient to get into Google, it is not the ideal method. For quick links, the content has to be very controversial or viral, that people share on social networks and get to the big newspapers, talk to your website with a link.

PBN (private network of blogs): many links were bought before, now is going to PBN, because Google is fighting very hard against buying links.
But PBN are yours and yours alone: ​​you buy the domain, you design the web, you llentas of the content and the links you put in there you want. They come in all sizes, from 10 blogs, up to 200 or more, but the idea is to blogs and web pages from which link the websites that want to position.  

Blogs PBN must have inbound links, so have authority and serve to something. PBN types:

3. PBN new (large expenditure of time and money) you buy new, hire editors domains make quality content, upload it to the web, optimzas for Google, to loosen up and people know about it. And as good content and is up on Google, people know and links naturally. After a while you get links and PBN longer has authority and is ready for use.

4. PBN expired Blogger blog (free). With this method last week I got 27 blogs with higher PA 25 explain how: in Blogger / Blogspot are two ways a blog no longer exists: because the owner closes freely (in this case the blog can reregister below). Or because Google closes (Blogger is Google), for breach of its policies (porn, spam, etc). In this case the blog can not be opened again. Interested in voluntary closure, because if again checked all links to that blog would now continue to be to our blog.

How to get them? You install xenu , a program that checks an entire Web page tells you the links fail (both internal links that fail, and external links to pages that are not there). Run it in a directory of blogs. You still only Blogger blogs (wordpress can not be open closed blogs). Where 404 "not found" is because it has closed the blog. Manually check if you can record again or not (you can re-register 20% of bogs closed in my experience).  

Which you join you can register and go through, checking massively PA and DA of a list of domains. The PA of more than 20 anuque notice the register ... I've already beaten four blog directories with this system and have registered 27 most blogs PA 25, but there are more directories.

5. PBN expired or expired domains (surcharge) domains that were previously used, but closed, and still get links from important sites. Look at the where you can sort them by pagerank or no incoming links, to choose the most important.

Before buying a domain looks at his profile inbound links with Ahrefs , Openlinkprofiler and , to ensure that links are not spam. Look also at the website to see what content had before, lest the web is penalized by Google. Once you find worthwhile domains, you can use your blog as PBN, or simply make a 301 redirect to the site you want to position, to give more authority.

6. Broken links to other websites: this I have ever tasted, but some say it works. Xenu run on a web, detect broken links, inform the owner of the errors it has on links and kindly ask that you put a link exchange. No believer in the efficacy of this technique, but here I leave for if anyone serves.

7. Helping other webmasters and "cash" with links: This technique is an extension of the previous one, you notice an error, such as a virus on a website, you avisas the webmaster and say that it will fix in exchange for a link. Or you write to tell you how to improve one of your articles and ask that you link. Or you say that you will help with SEO or optimize your AdSense earnings in exchange for a link.

8. Buy links (not recommended): Desaconsejable because you can put in the pages of little authority, or with links to pages penalized by Google, generĂ¡ndote penalties. Or pages with 200 outbound links, so that those links are not worth almost nothing.

9. Sponsoring events and donating to foundations (costs money): if you sponsor an event, that website will link you. Some foundations also put links to companies that make donations. It is a way to advertise and gain links, although expensive and therefore unreliable. It is the way of "buying links" without Google penalizing you.

10. Press releases: there are many website where you can post press releases. All those demands and usually publish all. Before sending, check the DA of those pages, to filter the domains that are not worthwhile. Some put the nofollow links, but also interested nofollow links to appear natural. Ideally also send them to big newspapers, if you send 100 newspapers large and composing skill and hook the press release, you may 4 or 5 you publish it. We have a large database of media to send press releases on our clients and often work quite well, but work it takes time.

11. Profiles in social networks are another source of links, although many of them are nofollow. But others, like are follow and have authority. In you can put your keyword and see what pefiles on social networks are free with your keyword to register and put links to your website. Have profiles on social networks also helps to improve the online reputation of a brand or a person or clean up its image on the Internet .

12. GSA Search Engine Ranker or ScrapeBox (not recommended): are programs for positioning web pages automatically form. Basically they dedicated to putting hundreds of comments on blogs and forums with links to your page. You can choose the% of each anchor text. The trouble is that these links are usually nofollow and also usually surrounded by other links to spam sites or penalized by Google, which hurts positioning because it is important that the links are in "clean" and with few links pages protrusions.

As I explained in the article with 35 tips to be first in Google in 2015, some supposed "gurus" of SEO recommend a pyramidal structure of links: call Tier 1 to the good blogs of PBN, which are then will link to Money Sites (the websites that we want to position). And, according to them, these pages of Tier 1 must be linked from other pages that called Tier 2, which would lower quality blogs. And these pages Tier 2 receive thousands of junk bonds from the Tier 3 (links automatically achieved with a program like Scrapebox: links in forums, comments, etc.). So, if Google penalizes you for the trap Tier 2 bonds, the Tier 1 (PBN) and the Money Sites are safe. Although I think that if someone cheats, Google will catch you sooner or later.

13. Blogs pages of major newspapers or magazines: there newspapers that allow you to have your blog in there and put news and links, as 20minutes, Elle, several of the Vocento group: ideal,,, North Castilla, etc. Although these blogs have initially PA 1 so first we will have to give them authority inbound links, so links from those pages are of higher quality.

14. Blogs domains of authority As in the previous case, you can make blogs and leave posts on,,, ... DA websites with great authority, but before links to our blog worth, we must provide them with authority inbound links, so that they raise their BP.

Last Words: 

If you know more methods to get links from authority, here you can leave them in the comments ... Thanks!

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