How to prevent snoring and its painful consequences it is what you learn if you read this article until the end.  

The deep snoring can prevent people close to us can rest on our side.

Everyone remembers a nightmare night snoring of people sleeping near us. What most infuriates is that they do not suffer because they are not heard, but can also be harmed, as in some cases people who snore loudly and very strong may be suffering apnea sleep.

Apnea is a breathing difficulty that is caused by the relaxation of the muscles of the jaw, causing the tongue go back and blocking the airway.
 How to prevent snoring: know the reasons
The reasons that people snore can be several, know it allows you to act on them and remove them.

For example, in the case of a physical cause:

  • have a deviated septum
  • the soft palate
  • or any other abnormality of physical type
In such cases operation with surgery may be the solution. 

Sleeping postions also affects Snorings
To learn how to prevent snoring is essential to note the different positions in which you sleep and when you snore. Here are several tracks:
  • If you snore with cerrda mouth, it may indicate a problem with the language.
  • If you snore with your mouth open, snoring may be related to the tissues of the throat.
  • If you snore when you sleep on your back is probably a habit you have developed, it is easier to fix.
  • Snoring in all sleep positions can is the most difficult to eradicate, it requires a more comprehensive treatment.
1. Humidified atmosphere as dry environments dry up nasal mucus and obstruct breathing, causing breathe through your mouth. The same applies if you are consuming snuff .

2. Raise the head position by using one or more pillows.

3. Try not to sleep on your back, if you can sleep on your side is significantly reduced snoring.

4. Clean the nasal septum to prevent blockage before going to bed.

5. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages during the hours before sleep. Both alcohol and sedatives relax the throat muscles and interfere with breathing.

6. Avoid dinners or very large meals as they can cause poor digestion and a very loud snoring.

7. Lose weight. Lose weight, even a little weight, it helps reduce fat tissue at the back of the throat and reduce the frequency of snoring or even stop snoring.

8. Exercise can also help eliminate snoring. Exercise to tone your arms, legs and abs, for example, also leads to toning the muscles of the throat, which in turn can lead to less snoring.

9. Avoid sleeping pills and sedatives, it's best you establish a bedtime as always leave at the same time, remove the light and noise of the room and fulfill these tips

There are other remedies to prevent snoring that are sold in pharmacies, such as a wound dressing is placed externally on the nasal septum, like a Band-Aid. Not everyone work for them but the frequency decreases slightly snoring.

And you? Do you have or suffer this "problem"? Do you know any other remedy on how to prevent snoring?Please Leave Your Comments Below.. :)

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