TransMedics The company has developed a system that is able to revive extracted human body organs to be transplanted, so that if a stopped heart is connected to the system after 20 minutes could start beating again.

The system that can revive a stopped heart powered by a sterile chamber where humidity and temperature are controlled to be identical to the internal conditions of the human body. The heart is connected to the supply of donor blood, thanks to a device with oxygen and nutrients is full, writes "MIT Technology Review ' . As a result, the heart is alive and beating. The same system, which costs 250,000 dollars, can be used for the preservation of lungs, kidneys and liver.

Doctors claim that the device can extend the time that a heart lives outside the body, allowing donor hearts recover previously would not have been appropriate. Typically, heart transplants from donor who suffered brain death, since in this case the body is still alive for a while.
In at least 15 cases, surgeons in the UK and Australia have successfully used the system, while in the US The device is under clinical trial. Experts expect that the system will help to increase the number of hearts transplanted between 15 and 30%.

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